• Pittman & Davis

    For over 90 years, we've been focused on finding the BEST products, packaged in a simple yet elegant way, and offered at an affordable price. It's a family tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation. We know what growing large, juicy naturally sweet tree-ripened fruit is all about. We also offer an incredible assortment of gourmet gifts, such as King Comice pears, smoked meats, cheeses, pastries, candies and many other specialty gift items.

  • Sisters of the Valley

    We are the activist Sisters of The Valley, and we are on a mission to heal the world through plant-based medicine.

    Like our Beguine ancestors, we are scholars who work together, pray together, and are dressed to identify our enclave.

    Nestled in the impoverished but agriculturally rich Central Valley, our order makes honorable jobs to support our community through organic health products.

    All products are hand-made by women; saged to the moon cycles, set on the new moon, and bottled under the full moon.

    Our medicine-making is guided by ancient tradition, with care and respect for the Earth’s plants.

  • Tradecart Trading Inc (Canada)

    With a simple idea – to become Canada’s favorite online ecommerce store. We started tradecart.ca at the beginning of 2021 after realizing that it was very difficult to find a One-Stop online ecommerce store in Canada which can offer Vitamins and supplements, beauty care, Pet Care, Home and Decor a large selection of quality products in one place. We often need to travel to several different stores or spend excessive amounts of time and money searching online to get the products we are looking for, and sometimes there would still be something we just couldn’t find. We’re not a fancy, high-priced store. We are continually searching for high-quality products from all over the world. We are aiming to be your favorite one-stop online store where you can find quality products at unbeatable prices and provide exceptional customer service that exceeds your expectations.

    Please feel free to browse through our website, and hopefully you will see things you’ve never seen before. If you’re looking for something that we don’t have or if you have any questions or thoughts that you want to share with our company, kindly let us know.